Whether by sea or sky, Cortes Island is a long haul. However, the effort is rewarded with a warm, white sandy beach on Hague Lake uncharacteristic of the Gulf Islands. Plan to relax for a full day on the beach, with possible repeats.
The park is on traditional First Nations territory with the traditional name for the lake meaning "warm lake." The name fits the lake; the lake is small and a shallow start to the beach makes for pleasant swimming. Locals and visitors often bring paddleboards and small rowboats. No motorized boats are permitted, and the remote location mean this lake is pristine and clean.
The lake should be part of many stops on the island. Other areas to explore are Manson's Landing, shellfish harvesting at the beach, hiking, and kayaking. While there isn't camping available at the lake, Smelt Bay does offer camping nearby. After a long trek to see Cortes Island, you'll be welcomed by friendly locals, warm lakes, fresh oysters, whale sightings, and more.
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