The Carrizo Canyon is a trail leaving the Carrizo Canyon Ecological Reserve area and climbing for a little over a mile into a narrow canyon with seasonal waterfalls.
The path leads hikers on a scenic walk into a desert canyon, with steep chasm walls lined with barrel cactus, wide sandy washes between cascading mountainous landscapes, and into the habitat of bighorn sheep and other desert wildlife.
The trail leaves the southern end of the paved parking area on the west side of Highway 74. Visitors should note that there are no amenities located at this lot, unlike the National Monument Visitor Center parking area on the east side of the highway which has bathrooms and water. Entering through a gate at the boundary of the reserve, the route follows a sandy wash as it curves uphill. There is no marked trail, however the path traces the wash as it enters the lower narrows of Carrizo Canyon.
The trail follows a general uphill trend following the course of Carrizo Creek, which feels a little bit more strenuous than the elevation chart would show due to the soft sandy surface of the wash. There are several small sections that require a bit of climbing up rocks or boulders but the path never becomes more than moderately difficult.
The wide wash narrows into the scenic canyon at about two thirds of a mile, and at one mile the route reaches the base of a seasonal waterfall. At an even split in the route, the right fork will lead to the dry falls, while the left fork will continue slightly further before wrapping around and reaching an overlook point that reveals views of the canyon, as well as stretching out across a portion of the Coachella Valley in the distance below.
From the overlook, hikers can choose to continue scrambling up the waterflow route, or turn around and retrace their route back to the parking area.
This portion of the Carrizo Canyon Ecological Reserve is closed to all entry between January 1st and September 30th each year, and dogs and pets are not permitted in the reserve at any time. The washes are exposed to the sun with no shade. Water and bathrooms are available at the National Monument Visitor Center parking area across the highway. Parking spaces are limited and may be full on weekends, at which point it is possible to park across the highway and walk to the trailhead.
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