Cave Pool is a unique swimming experience along Aruba's eastern shore. The pool is formed beneath a collapsed rock shelf, where the fallen rock has formed a protective barrier between the sea and the small pool area. Over time sand and sea life have gathered in the pool, with water circulated through the rock barriers, but with the pool itself generally remaining calm, regardless of how rough the surf is on the other side of that barrier.
Located opposite the Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins, visitors can scan the edge of the cliff for the top of the wooden ladder that leads to the depths beneath those cliffs as there are no signs marking the access point. From there, a short walk over very rough rock leads to the blue pool which sits covered by the standing portions of the stone shelf. Fish shelter in the pool, and if you bring a snorkel mask and there's not too much activity, it's possible to swim around and see them. There are also a couple rocks positioned to allow for jumping into the pool - though with low ceilings and narrow channels, this might not be for everyone.
The Cave Pool tends to be pretty popular, with people coming and going. It's as likely you'll see the pool packed with a tour of 20 people as it is you'll have it all to yourself, so if you hang out long enough, it should be possible to experience swimming inside an island cave with no one else around, sharing the waters with a few colorful fish.
There are no amenities of any kind located at the pool or at the parking area above. As parking is used for Off Road Vehicle tour staging, there are occasionally food vendors at the parking area.
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