Utladalen Naturhus, or the Nature House of Utladalen, is an old farm (Skåri) in the Utladalen, a valley (dal) in Norway. The Naturhus is at the start of the trail through the Utladalen. Utladalen Naturhus is maintained by Utladalen Naturhus Trust, which began restoring buildings in 1996. The site has been open to the public since 1998.
To visit Utladalen Naturhus, park at a lot near the end of the road Utladalsvegan, near Hjellefossen. After parking, follow the road to the end (about 500 meters) and cross the Utla River to arrive at Utladalen Naturhus. The site is open from noon until 6:00 p.m. during the summer.
Utladalen Naturhus has an exhibition that provides insights into the natural and cultural history of the area. This includes information about plants and animals, geology, the cultural landscape, and history. Arrangements for a guide can be made to provide information about the exhibition or for a hike in the area.
There is also a cafe at Utladalen Naturhus which is open from late June until late August. A selection of drinks well as ice cream and waffles is available at the cafe.
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