Most difficult rapid
Class I
1.00 mi (1.61 km)
Please respect the outdoors by practicing Leave No Trace. Learn more about how to apply the principles of Leave No Trace on your next outdoor adventure here.

The Mopan River spans Guatemala and the Cayo District of Belize in Central America. The opportunity to float the river is best in the Belize section near the Clarissa Falls Resort. The float can vary in length depending on how long you want to spend on the lazy river. Floaters can start by the Xunantunich ferry crossing in San Jose Succotz, and from there it takes about two to three hours to wind your way back to Clarissa Falls Resort; alternately, a shorter option is to start from Clarissa Falls and float down river toward Calla Creek and walk back or have someone from the resort pick you up for a small fee. Whichever distance you choose, you’ll be treated to a relaxing float. The rapids never go above a Class I, which is pretty mild. But when it’s over 100 degrees out, you’ll just be happy to be on the water!

There are many Mayan archaeological sites located along the Mopan River. It would be easy to add a trip to one of the sites to a day of floating. Along the river there are good opportunities to look for birds and other small wildlife. The river also passes by some local traditional communities for a view into the local lifestyles. Don't be surprised if the local dogs join in on the fun.

The fee for renting tubes and life jackets depends on the distance and time you’re on the river. The full-service restaurant on-site is reasonably priced and has a variety of local Belizean meals. They have vegetarian and vegan options. It's a good place to relax after a day of adventuring along the river.

Logistics + Planning

Parking Pass

Not Required

Motors Allowed


Open Year-round



Shuttle service. Few people.



Pets allowed


Put-in location (lat, long coordinates)

17.110760, -89.128132

Take-out location (lat, long coordinates)

17.123816, -89.134038



Typically multi-day


Shuttle required


Overall difficulty


Suitable for

Inflatable Kayaks

Permit required




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