Not only is the McPolin Farm the most iconic landmark in all of Park City, it also has paved and dirt trails nearby that you can enjoy while in the area. The homestead was established in 1886, but the famous Osguthorpe Barn, also known as the White Barn, wasn't built for another 20 years. In 1990 the town of Park City purchased the property, and since 2003 it has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Located just along Highway 224 on the drive into Park City, the farm greets you as you head for the many trails and ski resorts that Summit County has to offer. Canyons Ski Resort sits just before you reach the barn, and PCMR and Deer Valley Ski Resorts are not much further. Several other local landmarks sit right on the edge of the property including the beautiful Saint Mary's Church and the 2002 Winter Olympic Monument.
While on the property in the summer and fall you can walk or ride along the nicely paved pathway that cuts across the farm. There is a half-mile hiking-only trail that loops off of the paved path that is great for kids. Across Highway 224 is another paved path that connects to a larger network that gives you a bunch of options for walking and cycling. If you are here in the winter you can still enjoy all these same pathways as a cross-country ski and snowshoe trails. Dogs are allowed almost everywhere in Park City.
There is parking across the highway from the farm, and a path cuts under the road, and there is a smaller parking section that is on the same side of the freeway as the barn that is a great way to access the area.
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