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On June 17, 2017, Outdoor Project hosted our fourth annual Summer Solstice party in Portland, Oregon. This party also kicked off the first annual summer block party series. Outdoor Project hosted seven block parties in seven different cities throughout the summer. After the kick-off party hosting over 4,500 people in Portland we headed to Vancouver, British Columbia; Denver, Colorado; Seattle, Washington; Bend, Oregon; Salt Lake City, Utah; and San Francisco, California.
The goal of the event series was to bring together the local community, including local shops, retailers, and outdoor enthusiasts, to help facilitate connection and share outdoor inspiration. On top of that we focused on raising funds for local nonprofits in each city. The series raised over $24,000 for our local nonprofit partners: Adventure Without Limits, North Shore Rescue, Denver Mountain Parks Foundation, SheJumps, Oregon Natural Desert Association, Utah Open Lands, and Big City Mountaineers.
We thrive on community and outdoor adventure, this summer block party series allowed us to continue building our community and inspire outdoor adventure. We had the opportunity to partner with over 100 outdoor industry brands and connect with over 12,500 people that shared their adventure stories and inspiration with us.
We are excited to announce that the event series will continue to expand to six new cities in 2018, including San Diego, California; Burlington, Vermont; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Nashville, Tennessee; Charleston South Carolina; and Austin, Texas. Sponsor spots are already filling up for the 2018 events. Additional outdoor brands, retailers, and nonprofits that are interested in getting involved in the 2018 series should reach out to Morgan Tashea at for details. We are excited to continue connecting with communities and facilitating opportunities for companies to share their culture with large local outdoor communities while supporting local nonprofit groups.
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