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Kat Dierickx | 05.19.2016

Utah offers hundreds of rewarding hikes, but there's something about wildflower season that makes them that much more enjoyable. Vibrant colors are starting to fill the foothills as the snow slowly releases it's hold on the mountains around Salt Lake City. From giant red paintbrush and yellow mule-ears, to purple lupine and pale evening primrose, there's no shortage of wildflowers to be found.

Due to Utah's unique topography, you can find flowers in bloom from March through September with desert areas blooming in late March, the lower elevations and foothills starting in late April through May, and the canyons and mountains peaking in July and August. Utah Wildflowers is a great resource for identification bloom schedules. 

We've made a list of a few of our favorite hikes sorted by the time of year they should be in bloom. Pack your camera and share your wildflower photos in the comments below!

Spring Wildflowers (April - June)

  • Mount Olympus: 7-mile hike to incredible views of the city and wildflowers along the way.
  • The Living Room: As one of the better short hikes to a prominent viewpoint above the Salt Lake Valley, it’s easy to see why this route is popular most of the year.
  • City Creek Canyon: City Creek Canyon has a wonderful paved trail that allows people of all ages to access a bit of nature right in downtown Salt Lake City. 
  • Stairs Gulch Hike: This short hike packs a punch with a good amount of elevation gain, but the waterfalls and wildflowers make it worth it.
  • Bells Canyon Trail: Though this hike doesn't boast as many flowers as others on this list, there's still plenty to be found, and the lake is an enjoyable destination.
  • Corner Canyon Trail System: Hikers, bikers, and horseback riders can all enjoy the spring blooms on this trial system.
  • Bonneville Shoreline Mountain Bike Trail: While the title of this article is hikes, this ride is perfect for dusting off the bike and spring wildflowers.

Summer Wildflowers (July - August)

  • Cecret Lake: Cecret Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon is one of Salt Lake's most popular hikes in general, but it's extra special in July when the flowers are in full bloom. 
  • Catherine's Pass Trail: Also in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Catherine's Pass Trail offers stunning vista views, great wildlife viewing, and a wildflower display that will not disappoint. Adventuring to Lake Mary is a good addition to this hike.
  • Albion Basin: You can literally sleep in a sea of wildflowers all summer long at Albion Basin campground.
  • Broads Fork Trail: You'll find heavy wildflower coverage by early July on this 7-mile hike in Big Cottonwood Canyon.
  • Twin Lakes: Also located in Big Cottonwood Canyon, the short hike to Twin Lakes offers great views and a plethora of wildflowers. Nearby Lake Solitude is a great option in late July and August as well.


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