For waterfall lovers, Florence Falls is a must-do hike to check off in Glacier National Park. It probably doesn't top anyone's list of the park's most photogenic waterfalls, but it is unique because of its off-the-beaten path location and somewhat challenging access. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all, so maybe it's an uncommon favorite only because it's not commonly seen. You'll have to decide for yourself!
The route is about 9.5 miles round trip, most of which is through forest, but there is more to see than just one waterfall. Follow Gunsight Pass Trail beginning from Jackson Glacier Overlook. The trail loses a lot of elevation at first, which presents a challenge for the way back.
The first treat is 1.3 miles in, where you will find an unmarked hidden gem called Deadwood Falls on Reynolds Creek. The trail soon crosses this creek on a fun suspension bridge, then continues on a very gradual ascent through the forest in the Saint Mary River Valley. The path cuts through thickets of vegetation in fire-scarred forest. Many of these are thimbleberries and huckleberries, which bears love, so be on the lookout, make noise, and carry bear spray.
About 4 miles into the hike you will see another bridge over a creek with a pretty little cascade. The signed junction to Florence Falls is just before this bridge. Follow the narrowing trail uphill through even denser berry patches. This section is less than a mile and not very steep, but it may be slow going because of the overgrown bushes.
Finally you will reach the falls after one short steep section. Take time to relax here, sit on a log, snap some photos, and take it all in. From the waterfall you can also get a good view of the valley and surrounding mountains.
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