It’s time to pack your bags, dust off the tent, and make sure you have s’more fixings to last you through the night. Although the daylight hours are long, the heat of summer hasn’t yet arrived. It’s still too early to casually float down rivers or jump into opal lakes, and the winter snows haven’t fully melted, but there are numerous low-elevation destinations that are ready to visit, and it’s an especially good time to relax by the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
The northern Oregon and southwest Washington coast is sculpted by intense basaltic outcroppings, scoured sandstone, and eroded cliff lines. It can be easy to forget that we are fortunate enough to live next to one of the most dramatic and pristine coastlines in the world.
To share with you our enthusiasm for our beaches, we’ve prepared a guide of the coast's best campgrounds. Check them out, make your reservation, and start enjoying the summer!
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