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The Vetti Farm Tourist Station provides overnight accommodations as well as meals for those exploring the Utladalen Valley, which is known as the Valley of Waterfalls. The farm itself has a history going back centuries, but now it operates as a bed-and-breakfast-type establishment during the summer months. Breakfast, dinner, and boxed lunches are available.

To reach the Vetti Farm Tourist Station, one must hike or ride a bike; cars are not allowed. Parking is available near the end of the road Utladalsvegan, near Hjellefossen. The hike to the Vetti Farm takes about an hour using a wide gravel path through the beautiful Valley of Waterfalls.

The farm has 13 rooms with 27 beds available. There also sleep quarters for 12 people in a dormitory in the barn. One can also pitch a tent on the property.

Make sure to check out the impressive Vettifossen, which has a 275-meter single drop. This waterfall is about a 45-minute hike beyond the farm.

Logistics + Planning

Parking Pass


Open Year-round


Open from

June 20 to September 08

Price per night



Located in the beautiful Utladalen Valley.


An hour hike is required.

Pets allowed

Allowed with Restrictions

Reservations possible



Potable water
Big vistas
Historically significant




Nearby Lodging + Camping


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