Enjoy ample reflections on the tranquil waters of Crater Lake as your boat proceeds toward Wizard Island.
Looking up at Llao Rock (8049'). Park rangers provide interpretive talks about the geology and formation of the lake as the boat proceeds counterclockwise around Crater Lake.
Colorful rock slides below Hillman Peak, the highest point on the rim (8,156').
Wizard Island's dark lava flow extends into the Skell Channel (left), creating Fumarole Bay in the foreground. Llao Rock is in the background.
A symmetrically reflected Wizard Island from Fumarole Bay.
The snowfields that are the sources for waterfalls such as these are imperceptible from the rim of the caldera.
See the geology of Crater Lake's caldera up close.
The mid-summer remains of a snowbank along the water's edge.
Phantom Ship is as tall as a 16-story building and is the oldest exposed rock in the caldera.
The 400,000-year-old sailboat-shaped formation hosts seven different tree species and several varieties of wildflowers.
Colonies of violet green swallows as well as the ubiquitous Clark's nutcracker also inhabit the Phantom Ship.
Brightly colored lichens on the rocks of the Phantom Ship indicate pure air quality.
The Pumice Castle sits 1,300 feet above the surface of the lake.