Trail access immediately beside the parking area at the Farad Interstate 80 offramp.
Informational signage for the historical powerhouse that sits near the Farad parking area.
A wooden footbridge over the powerhouse flumes, which enabled public access to this area.
The trail passes an old wooden flume that once fed to the hydroelectric powerhouse.
Much of the Truckee River canyon has been home to past town sites and commercial ventures, though not much remains of these today.
Wildflowers grow along the hike.
A marker signs where the trail leaves the riverside and climbs up the hillside.
Views of the Truckee River and interstate near the Floriston end.
A gate marks where the trail leaves the old road near Floriston.
The trail near Floriston traces an old access road that has been made unusable for vehicles due to landslides.
Trail access at the end of the Floriston Trail.
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