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Outdoor Project
The ultimate adventure guide
Winter chains are needed to reach this parking lot most of the winter season.
The first section of trail is clear, wide and obvious.
The trail switchbacks up through large ceders, Douglas fir, and hemlocks.
The trail plateaus at about the 4.5-kilometer mark. This is where Red Heather warming hut is.
Room enough for about 15 to 20 people to cram in, have a snack, and warm up.
The hut has a hot plate but no water.
The hut is usually stocked with chopped wood.
The trail carries on past the outhouse.
Once you reach the ridge, Atwell Peak and Mount Garibaldi come into view.
Climbing through meadows above the clouds.
The first of many micro zones for backcountry skiing.
Less vertical drop as you head north.
Signage keeps you on the trail and away from avalanche dangers.
Gladded Bowls.
Smooth powder runs.
The ridge leads back to Elfin Lakes Hut.
The trail side of the ridge offers beautiful views of Sky Pilot Mountain.
The ridge leads back to Elfin Lakes Hut.
One last fun zone on the way back to the Red Heather Hut.
One last glimpse of Garibaldi before the descent through the trees.