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Outdoor Project
The ultimate adventure guide
View from the entrance to the Marin Headlands.
View of the Golden Gate bridge and the city of San Francisco.
Various hikes throughout the area that give wide open views of California's spring green rolling hills.
The campground is a 2-minute walk to epic views of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Taking in the amazing views from Bicentennial Campground.
Nearby beaches are littered with different types of seashells.
Some of the beautifully unique seashells along the beach.
Nightscape above Bicentennial Campground. If you look closely you can see the Pleiades star cluster inside the Taurus constellation.
The Point Bonita Lighthouse shines brightest among the stars.
Star gazing on a hillside near Bicentennial Campground.
San Francisco at night.
The road to Bicentennial Campground. Parking is just ahead.
View from Bicentennial Campground.
The Golden Gate Bridge with the rising sun.
Unidentified species (help us identify it by providing feedback).
Setting sun with the Golden Gate Bridge.
Mussels hugging their favorite rock.
An abundance of mussels.
Even the mussels have a viewpoint of the San Francisco Bay.
The Golden Gate Bridge at dusk.
Rocks smoothened by the sea.
West Coast tide pools.
Seashell clinging to a rock.
Purple Shore crab wedged between the rocks.
Purple Shore crab out from the rocks.
Sunrise over mossy green tide pools.
The coastline heading into Northern California.
Walkway to Point Bonita Lighthouse.
Bridge and doorway to the Point Bonita Lighthouse.