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Outdoor Project
The ultimate adventure guide
If you can catch the right day this trail is a perfect quick microspike trek.
Heughs Canyon Snowshoe.
Ice formations along Heughs Canyon.
Heughs Canyon Snowshoe.
One of the creek crossings along the Heughs Canyon Snowshoe.
Walking along the creek in the Heughs Canyon Snowshoe.
Wild rose hips on the Heughs Canyon Snowshoe.
Open views along the Heughs Canyon Snowshoe.
A small carcass along the Heughs Canyon Snowshoe.
This cougar den was just about 30 feet from the carcass.
We looked inside and it looked like the den was more than large enough for a cougar.
Dramatic canyon walls along the Heughs Canyon Snowshoe.
A winter wonderland in the Heughs Canyon Snowshoe.
Heughs Canyon is a safe and beautiful place for a winter walk.
Winter wonderland in Heughs Canyon.
Enjoying the winter scenery in Heughs Canyon.
The bridge near the end of the trail.
Heughs Canyon near the top.
Heughs Canyon.
Microspikes can be a great choice in Heughes Canyon when the trial is packed.
No views down valley when the cloud cover sets in, but often you can catch great sunsets looking west from here.