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The ultimate adventure guide
Ka'elehuluhulu Beach in Kekaha Kai State Park.
Ka'elehuluhulu Beach in Kekaha Kai State Park.
Ka'elehuluhulu Beach in Kekaha Kai State Park.
Picnic areas include tables and barbecues. Ka'elehuluhulu Beach in Kekaha Kai State Park.
Ka'elehuluhulu Beach in Kekaha Kai State Park.
Hawaiian monk seals (Neomonachus schauinslandi) are endangered and are one of two mammalian species native to Hawaii.
Ka'elehuluhulu Beach in Kekaha Kai State Park.
Ka'elehuluhulu Beach in Kekaha Kai State Park.
The airport lies just to the south of Ka'elehuluhulu Beach, so some air traffic is part of the scene.
Mahai'ula Beach sits just to the north of Ka'elehuluhulu Beach.
The parking area is visible from Mahai'ula Beach.
Mahai'ula Beach.
Rock outcropping on Mahai'ula Beach.
Mahai'ula Beach.
Mahai'ula Beach.
The path leading straight to the parking area from Mahai'ula Beach.
Mahai'ula Beach.
The Magoon Beach House at Mahai'ula Beach.
The Magoon family owned this land until 1993.
One of the outbuildings from the Magoon estate.
A palm tree grove near Mahai'ula Beach.
A palm tree grove near Mahai'ula Beach.
A palm tree grove near Mahai'ula Beach.
The path from the parking area leading directly to Mahai'ula Beach.
The path from the parking area leading through the lava flow directly to Mahai'ula Beach.
These folks chose to ignore the fact that dogs are prohibited in Kekaha Kai State Park.
The parking area for Mahai'ula and Ka'elehuluhulu beaches.
The road servicing Mahai'ula and Ka'elehuluhulu beaches is really rough, but it is doable in a normal two-wheel drive car if you drive slowly.
The road servicing Mahai'ula and Ka'elehuluhulu beaches is really rough, but it is doable in a normal two-wheel drive car if you drive slowly.
Entering the Mahaiula Section of Kekaha Kai State Park.