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Outdoor Project
The ultimate adventure guide
Moss adorned tree along the Latourell Falls Trail.
Coastal leafy moss (Plagiomnium insigne).
Douglas' nechera (Nechera douglasii).
Green spleenwort (Asplenium viride).
Unidentified species (help us identify it by providing feedback).
Host of mosses along the Bluff Trail at Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge.
Awned haircap moss (Polytrichum piliferum).
Broom moss (Dicranum scoparium) along Hunchback Mountain Trail.
Broom moss (Dicranum scoparium) and lipstick cladonia, a type of lichen.
Cat tail moss (Isothecium myosuroides).
Common haircap moss (Plytrichum commune).
Moss adorned tree along the Eagle Creek Trail.
Step moss (Hylocomium splendens) in the Olympics.
Water drenched moss wall along Eagle Creek off of the Clackams River.
Moss adorned trees along Eagle Creek, a tributary of the Clackamas River.
Broom moss (Dicranum scoparium).
Unidentified species (help us identify it by providing feedback).
Old-growth forest ground cover.
Moss covered tree in the Indian Heaven Wilderness.
Reef-like moss diversity on the rocky slopes of Saddle Mountain.
Unidentified species (help us identify it by providing feedback).
Moss laden rocks and forest along the Salmon River near Mount Hood.
Moss adorned trees along Eagle Creek, a tributary of the Clackamas River.
A variety of moss species.
Juniper haircap moss (Polytrichum juniperinum).
Large leafy moss (rhizomnium glabrescens) left of the white coastal reindeer, a type of lichen.
Oregon beaked moss (Kindbergia oregana).
Red bryum (Bryum miniatum).
Step moss (Hylocomium splendens).
Yellow moss (Homalothecium fulgescens) and magnificent moss (Plagiomnium venustum).
Menzies red-mouthed mnium (Mnium spinulosum) with capsules elevated on tall stalks.
Moss adorned tree along the Latourell Falls Trail.