The junction to Elsay Lake is below Mount Seymour's First Peak.
The trail passes a couple of smaller lakes on the way to Elsay Lake.
Down at the valley's bottom the mushrooms start to apear.
The forest is lush and wet near the lake.
Mount Elsay and Elsay Lake from the cabin in the morning.
The backcountry cabin at Elsay Lake.
The lake is like glass in the morning.
Coral mushroom.
Unidentified species (help us identify them by providing feedback).
The cabin is virtually unseen from the opposite side of the lake.
The flats near the lake are very wet.
This creek crossing can be dangerous with wet weather.
Unidentified species (help us identify it by providing feedback).
The Canadian Pass.
Crossing the rock fields.
The back side of Seymour's Peaks.
Great Fall colors in the valley.
Mount Seymour and Mount Elsay.
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