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Outdoor Project
The ultimate adventure guide
Starting off through a thick forest of mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana).
Stopping off at the Three Sisters Wilderness boundary and warning sign for limited entry area located roughly 0.5 miles up the trail.
Obsidian flow originating from the Collier Cone.
Hiking south along the Pacific Crest Trail en route to Chambers Lakes.
Shane Kucera
Trails are well marked with signage.
View of North Sister (left, 10,085 ft) and Middle Sister (right, 10,047 ft) from the Pacific Crest Trail.
Obsidian along the trail.
Obsidian sparkles as hikers travel south along the Pacific Crest Trail.
Obsidian Falls, Three Sisters Wilderness.
Shane Kucera
No camping within 100 feet of the trial (a rule that is followed better by some than others).
View of North Sister (left, 10,085 ft) and Middle Sister (right, 10,047 ft) from the PCT.
Middle Sister (right, 10,047 ft) from the PCT.
First glimpse of South Sister (10,358 ft) en route to Chambers Lakes.
Hikers on spur trail that follows Separation Creek east toward Chambers Lakes.
View back west to The Husband (7,524 ft) from the trail along Separation Creek.
Chambers Lakes, Three Sisters Wilderness.
Chambers Lakes, Three Sisters Wilderness.
South Sister (10,358 ft) and Chambers Lakes, Three Sisters Wilderness.
Chambers Lakes, Three Sisters Wilderness.
Chambers Lakes, Three Sisters Wilderness.
Sunset at camp at the intersection of the PCT and Separation Creek.
Ground cover foliage in the tundra-like meadow.
Shane Kucera
View to South Sister (10,358 ft) over an unnamed lake.
Shane Kucera
Enjoying a campfire.
Camp at the intersection of the PCT and Separation Creek.
The moon from camp in the Three Sisters Wilderness.
Milky Way above camp at the intersection of the PCT and Separation Creek.
South Sister, unnamed lake, and camp at the intersection of the PCT and Separation Creek in the Three Sisters Wilderness.