Approaching Hickman Natural Bridge from the hiking trail.
The moon rises over Capitol Dome.
Globemallow grows profusely along the trail.
Domed rock shapes tower over the trail in all directions.
Black boulders of andesite lava were carried here in immense debris flows caused by melting glaciers.
Primrose flowers creep along the sand.
Layers of sedimentary rock indicate a neat and orderly geologic past, but the black boulder reminds us of the tumultuous debris flows of the recent past.
The trail surface changes from sand to gravel to rock several times along the way.
You can't get lost here!
The trail passes right below the 125-foot-high bridge.
Silvery leaves of buffaloberry plants.
With colorful rocks and giant towers everywhere, Capitol Reef is a geologist's playground.
Hiking early in the morning or late in the day will guarantee more pleasant temperatures than a noon stroll.
In spring several shrubs bloom with bright, yellow flowers.