Entrance to the gated community that never was developed.
Trail marker.
The tower marks the end of your 1,800-foot climb.
The trail alternates between woods and exposed path.
The waterfall marks the start of your climb.
A lush moment on the Novato Hill Climb.
A small waterfall near the beginning of the Novato Hill Climb.
The trail becomes very steep in sections, and it is very trecherous in wet conditions.
Unidentified species (help us identify it by providing feedback).
A steep ravine on the Novato Hill Climb.
Views become more expansive as you ascend.
Ascending the ravine on the Novato Hill Climb.
Another steep and exposed section of trail on the Novato Hill Climb.
Views of Novato and beyond.
From here the climb gets very steep, and you will need to use your hands.
Reaching the top of the Novato Hill Climb.
Beautiful views of Marin, Napa, San Francisco, and the East Bay.
Continue southeast on the fire road.
Spring grasses on the Novato Hill Climb.
An abandoned building along the Novato Hill Climb.
House finch (Carpodacus mexicanus).
The exposed fire road on the Novato Hill Climb.
California poppy (Eschscholzia californica).
More climbing on the Novato Hill Climb.
Excellent views on a clear day.
Take a left onto the Halloween Trail.
Follow the paved roads back to your car.
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