Crater Lake is so named because it is one of the deepest alpine lakes in the Jewel Basin range of the Swan Mountains. The large granite slabs all around it form a sort of bowl on all sides of the lake.
Continue hiking around the lake if desired along more rock outgrowths such as these. In places, the drop-off can be steep and dramatic to the water below, so watch your step.
Some parts of Crater Lake are more inaccessible than others. These log jams and the far rock bluffs provide more difficult access than that granted by the trail.
Looking at the north end of the lake, where the trail first meets the shore. The north end and the east (from which this photo is taken) are the easiest to access and most friendly shore areas.
From the main fork in the trail at the top of Crater Notch, go south to deviate to another lovely little lake. Birch Lake is one of the Jewel Basin's most popular lakes, and it is also excellent for camping and fishing.