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Outdoor Project
The ultimate adventure guide
Hikers make their way into the canyon of the Havasupai Trail
A horse train makes their way to the trailhead as hikers continue to Havasupai Village
The trail resembles a wash through the Havasupai trail canyon
Morning light on the Hualapai Hilltop Trail
Descending into the Hualapai Hilltop Trail canyon at the start of the trail
Descending the steep switchbacks from Hualapai Hilltop
Descending the steep switchbacks from Hualapai Hilltop
Reaching the floor of the canyon from Hualapai Hilltop
A hiker descends the Hualapai Hilltop trail with morning light on the canyon walls
Preparing descend from Hualapai Hilltop
Steep canyon walls as the trail nears Super village
Steep canyon walls as the trail nears Super village
Supai Village
Havasu Creek below Super Village
A hiker nears Supai village on the Hualapai Hilltop Trail
Sparse greenery exists toward the bottom of the Hualapai Hilltop Trail as the trail nears Supai Village
The rugged trail through a wash/Hualapai Hilltop Trail
Sparse greenery exists toward the bottom of the Hualapai Hilltop Trail as the trail nears Supai Village
Sparse greenery exists toward the bottom of the Hualapai Hilltop Trail as the trail nears Supai Village
Sparse greenery exists toward the bottom of the Hualapai Hilltop Trail as the trail nears Supai Village
A long exposure of Havasu Falls as swimmers enjoy the waters
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
Hammocks are popular in the campground
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
A somewhat risky crossing linking campsites opposite of the main trail
A somewhat risky crossing linking campsites opposite of the main trail
Havasu Creek below Super Village
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
A typical campground along Havasu Creek in the campground
Havasu Creek pours over Mooney Falls just below the Havasu Campground
Havasu Creek pours over Mooney Falls just below the Havasu Campground
Havasu Creek pours over Mooney Falls just below the Havasu Campground
Havasu Creek pours over limestone travertine cascades below Mooney Falls
Havasu Creek pours over Mooney Falls just below the Havasu Campground
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Creek pours over Mooney Falls just below the Havasu Campground
Havasu Creek pours over limestone travertine cascades below Mooney Falls
Havasu Creek pours over limestone travertine cascades below Mooney Falls
Havasu Creek pours over Mooney Falls just below the Havasu Campground
View above Havasu Falls from the trail
Havasu Creek crossing below Mooney Falls
Havasu Creek pours over some impressive limestone travertine cascades below Mooney Falls
The narrow canyon below Mooney Falls
Havasu Creek pours over some impressive limestone travertine cascades below Mooney Falls
Havasu Creek pours over some impressive limestone travertine cascades below Mooney Falls
A somewhat risky footbridge in the campground
Limestone cascades below Havasu Falls
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines through the campground
The trail below Mooney Falls
Mooney Falls
Havasu Creek above Havasu Falls
Impressive canyon walls above Havasu Creek
Havasu Creek below Fiftyfoot Falls
Havasu Creek
Navajo Falls
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines below Mooney Falls
Havasu Creek cascades over limestone travertines below Mooney Falls
Swimmers enjoy the 72 degree waters of Havasu Falls
Fiftyfoot Falls
Fiftyfoot Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Creek above Havasu Falls
Havasu Creek above Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
The canyon surrounding the trail spreads out as it nears the switchbacks to Hualapai Hilltop
The canyon toward Supai Village in the distance hiking toward Hualapai Hilltop
The canyon surrounding the trail spreads out as it nears the switchbacks to Hualapai Hilltop
A hiker nears the Hualapai Hilltop trailhead
A hiker ascends a couple switchbacks on the Hualapai Hilltop trail
Sparse greenery exists toward the bottom of the Hualapai Hilltop Trail as the trail nears Supai Village
Sparse greenery exists toward the bottom of the Hualapai Hilltop Trail as the trail nears Supai Village
Sparse greenery exists toward the bottom of the Hualapai Hilltop Trail as the trail nears Supai Village