Reservations possible?
RV Hookups
Potable water
Please respect the outdoors by practicing Leave No Trace. Learn more about how to apply the principles of Leave No Trace on your next outdoor adventure here.

The Cades Cove Campground is one of the most popular campgrounds in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The campground is surrounded by a variety of activities to fill your time in the mountains. Located next to the Cades Cove Loop, the campground has easy access to the 11-mile trip around the valley. At the camp store you'll find souvenirs, a grill, snacks, the best ice cream cones in Tennessee, and any camping supplies that you may need.

Directly next to the store you'll find the bike rental shop. You can rent bikes daily for less than $10 a hour - a perfect way to explore the Cades Cove Loop! Between May 10 and September 27, the road is closed to vehicles on Wednesday and Saturday mornings until 10 a.m., so this is an excellent time to rise from camp early and soak up a Smoky Mountain morning safely. The Cades Cove Stables are also located directly beside the camping area, and the stables offer guided trail rides, carriage rides and guided hayrides.

The area gives you access to many trails, including the Cades Cove Nature Trail, which is perfect for families wanting to try out hiking or just explore some of the local flora and fauna. Keep in mind while camping in the area and in the park that you are in black bear country. Be bear aware at all times, use proper trash cans, store food correctly, and respect their home. Observing the black bears of Cades Cove is a memory that will last for a lifetime, just do it with respect and love. Camping with young children? Pick up a copy of the Salamander Ball to read by the campfire. It's the perfect recipe for your children to wake up from a dream about being a Junior Ranger, and we can never have too many stewards of the Smokies - young or old. 

Logistics + Planning

Preferable season(s)


Parking Pass

Not Required


Access to Cades Cove Loop. Bike rentals. Camp store. Horseback riding.



Pets allowed

Allowed with Restrictions

Managed by

Great Smoky Mountains National Park


ADA accessible
Flushing toilets
Vault toilet
Potable water
Picnic tables
Horseback riding


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