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The Giant's Causeway's unique and historic rock formations litter the shoreline, creating expansive viewpoints of the coast and some of the most unique geological formations the world has to offer.
The Giant's Causeway is comprised of over 40,000 basalt columns that are a result of volcanic eruptions. The columns form stepping stones up to 40 feet high in some locations along the shore, creating a natural playground for visitors to enjoy. The columns formed approximately 50 to 60 million years ago during the Paleocene Epoch. During this time period the area was subject to intense volcanic activity. The lava from the volcanoes, combined with molten basalt and chalk beds, created a lava plateau. As the erupted lava cooled and hardened, it fractured into the hexagonal, pillar-like structures that can be seen today.
A large and important aspect of Irish culture involves the passing down of mythological tales. One such tale involves the creation of the Giant's Causeway. According to Gaelic mythology, an Irish giant, Fionn mac Caumhaill, was challenged to a duel by the Scottish giant, Benandonner. Fionn accepted this challenge and constructed the causeway as a spot for the two giants to meet for the duel. Upon the arrival of Benandonner on the Irish shore, Fionn was hiding behind the causeway to see his opponent before the fight. Fionn was extremely intimidated by the size of his opponent, so instead of fighting he had his wife disguise him as a baby. Benandonner believed the disguise and truly thought Fionn was a baby. He saw the size of the baby and became intimidated because he believed that the father, who he was supposed to fight, would be a giant among giants. As a result, he fled the island and left Fionn victorious.
A trip to the Giant's Causeway is guaranteed to be one of the most unique destinations one can possibly visit. The rock formations, the coastal views, the history, and the adventure that the Giant's Causeway has to offer are unlike any other in the world.
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