Reservations possible?
RV Hookups
Potable water
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West South Twin Campground is located across the road from the much more crowded South Twin Lake Campground. Despite the fact that pretty much all of the sites within West South Twin are still within reasonable walking distance of the South Twin Lake Resort, it is nowhere near as crowded as South Twin Lake Campground and has far more spacious campgrounds. Despite the name, it is not located on South Twin Lake; however, it is located quite near Wickiup Reservoir and has a small boat ramp to the Deschutes channel of it, which provides easy access to the rest of the large reservoir.

All of the 24 sites at West South Twin are roughly the same in nature – they are all very well shaded and are all pretty close together, although not nearly as condensed as South Twin Campground or nearby Gull Point Campground. None of them have direct beach access to Wickiup Reservoir, but some do back up to the wetlands of it, which gives campers there the impression they are least camping near it. Reservations are accepted at about half of the campsites at West South Twin, although the website classifies some as “tent only” campsites, which is not exactly accurate, as each of those still have driveways that should accommodate most vehicles, including small RVs.

Visitors should also note that day use facilities, while present, are quite limited for boaters on Wickiup Reservoir. Powerboats are prohibited at nearby South Twin Lake altogether, but boaters for Wickiup should put in at Gull Point Campground where parking is far more abundant and the boat launch is in far better condition, as well as being in a better location on the lake for recreational boaters.

Logistics + Planning

Current Weather: Powered by Dark Sky

Partly cloudy throughout the day.
Partly cloudy throughout the day.
Partly cloudy throughout the day.
Partly cloudy throughout the day.
Partly cloudy throughout the day.
Mostly cloudy throughout the day.
Mostly cloudy throughout the day.

Preferable season(s)


Parking Pass

NW Forest Pass


Less crowded than other nearby campgrounds. Boat launch to Wickiup Reservoir.


Many sites are fairly close together. No access to South Twin Lake.

Pets allowed


Managed by

Hoodoo Recreation

Reservation phone number

1 (877) 444-6777


Vault toilet
Boat ramp(s)
Potable water

Recommended Campsites Without Photos

18, 19, 21, 22


Nearby Lodging + Camping


Fishing here is fantastic. Very large and aggressive trout can be caught in a Wickieup Reservoir cove that borders some of the campsites as they stop to feed there before continuing on into the Deschutes river. Float tubers will do very well, but it is also good from shore on the right or left bank. Contrary to the original description above, we were able to directly access the lake from our campsite (via the beach that borders them). It took about 30 seconds to walk from our tent to the edge of the lake and there were no barriers or terrain to block the way. I think the difference was that the water level was higher than normal years this time. Most of the campsites along the shore are very nice and spacious, but avoid #16 as it doesn't have a great spot for a tent. The inner campsites were not as spacious or private as the outer loop sites or those along the shore. Conveniently, across the main road there is another campground with a resort, café, showers, you can easily access amenities like ice and coffee there, but avoid those crowds by camping in this one, which is much less crowded. The only con that I experienced were occasional wasps. I will definitely come back here.
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