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RV Hookups
Potable water
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Located in the center of Cape Disappointment State Park, Campground D is what was formerly known as Fort Canby State Park. It's a perfect place to go to make the most of a weekend at the beach.

Nearly all of the campground's roughly 50 campsites are strung along the shores of O'Neil Lake.  Unlike the park's Campgrounds A, B and C which are nearly a mile west, Campground D's sites are more exposed to the sun, making them ideal for taking a dip in the lake and then lounging in the grass to dry off.  Although Campground D isn't directly adjacent to the dunes of the Pacific Ocean, the park's Waikiki Beach is a mere couple hundred yards walk away.

The campground is also host to three rustic cabins that are available for rent.  Each of the cabins are roughly 13 by 13 feet with a bunk bed that sleeps three and a fold-out futon that sleeps two more. They also have an end table perfect for playing cards or laying out a small spread.  The rustic cabins have electric heating, lights and their own covered porch, picnic table and an outdoor fire pit.  Note that the cabins do not have their own bathrooms or showers, but both amenities are available within a short walk.  Cabin rental runs $74/night from May 15 to September 15 and $64/night during the off season from September 16 to May 14.

Logistics + Planning

Preferable season(s)


Parking Pass

Washington Discovery Pass


Adjacent to Waikiki Beach and O'Neil Lake. Cabins. Park amenities.


Vehicle traffic to Campgrounds A, B + C.

Pets allowed


Managed by

Washington State Parks

Reservation phone number

1 (888) 226-7688


Flushing toilets
Potable water
Picnic tables

Recommended Campsites Without Photos

Cabin 1, Cabin 3


Nearby Adventures


This was a huge campsite with a magnificent view of the beach. There are some campsites with sand, that aren't particularly nice, but overall the campground was amazing.
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