Open Year-round
Reservations possible?
RV Hookups
Potable water
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With 170 campsites, Kalaloch Campground is not only Olympic National Park's largest campground, it is the only one that accepts reservations. Sheltered under groves of shore pine and perched on a 40-foot bluff with direct access to Kalaloch Beach on the Pacific Ocean, it is not surprising that the campground is so popular. It's also conveniently located just north of Kalaloch Lodge and Cabins, which offer more "civilized" accommodations for weary travelers. More importantly, the lodge also sells firewood from a general store, and it even has a gas station.

As for the campground, Kalaloch has one large group campsite, a day use picnic area, a large amphitheater with summer educational programs, restrooms, potable water, bear-proof food storage lockers, and an RV dump station. There are no RV hook-ups at any of the campsites, however, and there are no showers.

Note: Kalaloch Campground is open year round, but reservations are only permitted June 18 through September 1, though specific dates may change slightly year to year due to budget limitations. Reservations may be made up to six months in advance.

Logistics + Planning

Preferable season(s)


Parking Pass

National Park Pass


Large and private campsites overlooking the beach.


Heavily shaded and often damp campsites.

Pets allowed


Managed by

National Park Service

Reservation phone number



Flushing toilets
Potable water
Picnic tables

Recommended Campsites Without Photos

A18, A19, E6



We showed up at the park booth around 10a on a weekday, without reservations, to get in line for the elusive mythical first-come first-served spots. People were milling around with worry etched on their faces, seeing the line grow, wondering where they would be sleeping that night. (Kalaloch is pretty far from the next campground... if you arrive late in the day and it is full up, you have a rough evening ahead!) Suddenly a gal nonchalantly strolls up to the line and calls out, "would anyone like a free campsite tonight? we just got married on the beach, and reserved more than we need!" She gave site numbers to several of us, already paid for, and received many relieved and deeply grateful hugs, for it was a true blessing. I looked for her later to thank her with a bottle of wine, but they had already left... Thank you whoever you are! We will never forget your generosity!
Is this campsite open year round? Will it be open at the end of March 2019?
The reservation window is nine months, and campsites go QUICK. Worth the struggle though.
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