Reservations possible?
RV Hookups
Potable water
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Tucked away in the dunes behind the sand and crashing surf, Bodega Dunes Campground offers a beach access and a tranquil camping option for visitors to Bodega Bay and the surrounding area. The campground is a couple of dunes away from South Salmon Creek Beach, a picturesque setting for beach combing, kite flying, and picnics. There area also a few surfing spots nearby, such as North Salmon Creek Beach a mile to the north.

The campground has campsites for car/tents or RVs up to 31 feet (although no RV hookups are available), bathrooms, showers and potable water. The majority of the campsites are shaded by Monterey cypress trees and some of the sites have sandy dune backdrops. There is a day use area with picnic tables and an access road within the campground but closer to the beach. As of this report it is closed to car access between September 3 and April 30. 

Also note that from September 3 to April 30, only campsites 22-51 are open at Bodega Dunes Campground. From May 1 through September 2 all campsites within the campground are open.


Logistics + Planning

Preferable season(s)


Parking Pass

Not Required


Beach access. Shaded campsites.


Sounding of a foghorn througout the night.

Pets allowed


Managed by

Sonoma Coast State Park

Reservation phone number



ADA accessible
Flushing toilets
Potable water

Recommended Campsites Without Photos

25, 27, 30, 31, 33, 34, 44



Note that reservations are now at
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